Who Can Save Her

© Steph Gutmann, 2009



A hurting broken world

Has fallen to her knees in the dust and the dirt

Anguish torments her deepest soul

Creating a deep and bitter hole


Terror and fear reign over her life

Sorrow and pain the result of her strife

As pieces of her shattered heart

Are held loosely in her hands


In turmoil she counts the cost

Of everything she knows she has lost

Tears flow from mournful eyes

As she stares at an earth which has become dry


Trying to revive the ground

To make it softer so life can grow

But no one else wants to know

And so, these tiny shoots of restoration die


Hopelessness floods her confused mind

As she looks down at the chains that bind

Brokenness the order of her day

Causing the bitter churning within her to stay


And finally, with the last fading ray of light

The day makes way for the night

This earth can no longer fight

Everything hidden within its darkness…


Who will comfort her?

Who will collect the pieces of her heart,

As they fall amongst the dust and the dirt?

Who will wipe away her tears

As they fall to the ground and mix with the soil?

Who will soothe away the pain

In the deepest part of her anguished soul?


God – we cry out to You

We need You

Please …

Lord Jesus – Come.

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