The Master Painter

© 2008, Steph Gutmann


Times may be hard, and things may not be as you would particularly like them to be, but don't worry - YOU are a painting in the making...

"But I want to see it!" - you cry...

Well, you can see it - if you step back and view it, but the time is not right, for at the moment you are in it;

"What do you mean?" I hear you asking.

Ok, let me break it down for you, pay attention and catch the revelation!!! When an artist is commissioned to work on a portrait, the person he is painting - his model - does not see it until when? Until the painting is finished. At which point, the painter invites the model to view his FINISHED work. The model does not see the work in progress. She sits there and allows the painter to do his thing!

At the moment, it is not time for you to view the picture because you are the subject! It is not time for you to view the picture because the Master Painter is hard at work...

But don't worry, because when the time is right - the Master Painter will step back to view the whole picture, then He will invite you to step back with Him to view what He has created...

You will need to join Him at His side, to see it from His perspective: At a slight distance away from the painting itself where you can see the whole picture in all its glory!

Now, I don't know if you have ever painted or watched a painter... but as he is working, it is important for the artist to step back from the painting now and again to see the whole picture instead of just the section he is working on. To see how the bit he is focussed on fits in with the whole image. To ensure the colours work together, the light and the shadows are balanced and the image is a good likeness to the model he is imitating in art form.

And when He is done - all who view the completed work will gasp in wonder and amazement at the brilliant masterpiece the Master Painter has created.

And, just for the record, He has created some amazing masterpieces in recent times!

So you should be excited about what He is doing in your life right now - every masterpiece is highly sought after and VERY special.

And every fnished painting has a touch of the Master Painter contained within it.

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