The King of Kings & I

© 2006, Steph Gutmann


This is a little something for the ladies-in-waiting…


Jesus is extending His hand to you. He is inviting you to dance with Him. He asks, “May I have this dance…every day of your life?” His gaze is fixed on YOU. He is captivated by your beauty. He is smiling. He cares nothing of the opinion of others. He is standing. He will lead. He waits for your response.

My lover spoke and said to me, “Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me.” (Song of Songs 2:10)


In the times past, when the elite would attend a Ballroom dance, the ladies would sit gracefully around the room waiting for a gentleman to approach her, to extend his hand toward her in the invitation to dance. She would accept his offer by placing her hand in his. Then he would lift her up and lead her onto the dance floor. When the music started, the man would gracefully lead his lady in time to the music.

When we became a Christian, we accepted Jesus invitation and have placed our hand into the hand of the One who draws us up to new levels. Jesus knows the steps – and as a Gentleman, He leads each lady on a very special dance… Only He knows the steps to take, and He knows how to move you around the floor so you shine in your moment. A lady never takes over the leading of the dance!

A time will come when a second Gentleman will come and tap your Dance Partner on the shoulder and ask if he can continue the dance with you. Jesus – in His wisdom, knows if this man knows the right steps or not. If he doesn’t, Jesus will continue to lead you in a beautiful waltz. But when the time is right, He will accept the other Gentleman’s request to take over the dance, and He will place your hand into his.

Ladies – you do not need to reach out to take the hand of a passing stranger. Nor do you need to accept just any dance from any man. There is a particular, unique routine Jesus has been teaching you, and only one other gentleman knows the right steps.

So wait and enjoy the dance!


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